1, Productÿ desciption Inverter circuits designed to produce a variable output voltage range are often used within motor speed controllers. The DC power for the inverter section can be derived from a normal AC wall outlet or some other source. Control and feedback circuitry is used to adjust the final output of the inverter section which will ultimately determine the speed of the motor operating under its mechanical load. Motor speed control needs are numerous and include things like: industrial motor driven equipment, electric vehicles, rail transport systems, and power tools. (See related: variable-frequency drive ) Switching states are developed for positive, negative and zero voltages as per the patterns given in the switching Table.The generated gate pulses are given to each switch in accordance with the developed pattern and thus the output is obtained.Solar power is energy from the sun. “Solar” is the Latin word for “sun” and
And Powerful source of energy. Without it, there will be no life.
Solar energy is considered as a serious source of energy for many years
of the vast amounts of energy that is made freely available, if harnessed by modern technology. A magnifying glass can be used to heat up a small amount of water.
The short piece of copper tube is sealed at one end and filled with water.
And magnifying glass is then used to warm up the pipe.
Using more than one magnifying glass will increase the temperature more rapidly.ÿÿÿÿÿ2, Features ofÿ theÿ product ÿInverters convert low frequency main AC power to higher frequency for use in induction heating.To do this, AC power is first rectified to provide DC power. The inverter then changes the DC power to high frequency AC power. Due to the reduction in the number of DC Sources employed, the structure becomes more reliable and the output voltage has higher resolution due to an increase in the number of steps so that the reference sinusoidal voltage can be better achieved.This configuration has recently become very popular in AC power supply and adjustable speed drive applications. This new inverter can avoid extra clamping diodes or voltage balancing capacitors. There are three kinds of level shifted modulation techniques, namely:ÿÿÿThe first thing to figure out is the length of road in need of street lights. This can be a small entrance road only a couple hundred of feet long to miles of streets through an area. Does the area currently have any type of lighting available.ÿWhat is the reason for needing street lights in this areaÿÿIs the electrical grid already nearby or would you need to call in the power company to bring in electrical lines.ÿIf the electric needs to be brought to the area, how much is this going to cost? Depending on how far the grid electric is from the location of the needed lighting, this can be quite expensive.ÿÿHow much lighting is needed on the street? Do the lights need to be dark sky compliant.Do the street lights need to run from dusk to dawn or for only a specified number of hours at night.Are the street lights able to dim in the middle of the night and still provide enough lighting. These questions need to be answered before you can decide on how many lights you will need to complete the project.ÿÿÿ3, Detailed SpecificationÿDataÿSheetÿofÿHighÿQualityÿSolarÿControllerÿTracer-1210RNModelTracer-1210RNRatedÿsystemÿvoltage12/24VÿautoÿworkRatedÿbatteryÿcurrent10ARatedÿloadÿcurrent10AMax.batteryÿvoltage32VMax.PVÿopenÿcircuitÿvoltage100VDCMax.PVÿinputÿpower12Vÿ130W;24Vÿ260WSelf-consumption<10mA(24V)ChargeÿCircuitÿVoltage<=0.26VDischargeÿCircuitÿVoltageÿDrop<=0.15VCommunicationTTL232/8ÿpinÿRJ45Temp/compensation-30mV/?/12V(25?)Workingÿtemperature-35?~+55?Storageÿtemperatureÿrange-35?~+55?Humidity10%-90%ÿNCEnclosureIPÿ30Altitude<=3000mDimension156mmÿ*97ÿmmÿ*68mmMountingÿholes147mmÿ*60ÿmmMountingÿholeÿsizeè5Terminal4mm2Weight0.55kgÿÿÿ4, Product Image
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